Silesian Horn Symposium

As part of the VI Young Horn Player Academy was held

Silesian Horn Symposium

Silesian Horn Symposium

Academy of Music in Katowice, Zacisze street 3
Audiovisual Room

Astma i ryzyko publicznego wykonania dźwięku b2, czyli tajemnice I Koncertu waltorniowego Ryszarda Straussa
(Asthma and the risk of public performing b2, the secrets of the First Horn Concerto by Richard Strauss)
lecture by dr Waldemar Matera – Academy of Music in Katowice
Zapomniana literatura waltorniowa XIX wieku
(Forgotten horn literature of the 19th century)
lecture by dr hab. Piotr Pożakowski – Academy of Music in Gdańsk – cooperating teacher
Postoj a dýchání při hře na lesní roh
(Posture and breathing while playing the horn)
lecture by prof. MgA. Jindřich Petráš – Janáčkova Akademie Múzických Umění in Brno (Czech Republic)
Współczesne utwory na kwartet waltorniowy – konteksty historyczne i wykonawcze
(Contemporary works for horn quartet – historical and performance contexts)
lecture by dr Michał Szczerba – Academy of Music in Gdańsk