Competition Regulations 2025

Festival Regulations

Regulations of the II International Mieczysław Korcz Competition

Young Horn Player


  1. The II International  Mieczysław Korcz Competition Young Horn Player (later called the Competition) will be taking place on 28th and 30th of march 2025 in Wojciech Kilar State Music School in Katowice, Ułańska 7b street, as a part of the 7th Young Horn Player Academy.
  2. The Competition is the continuation of Young Horn Player competition which took place in 2016, 2018, 2021 and 2023.
  3. The Competition is organized by the Centrum Edukacji Artystycznej (Artistic Education Center) and co-organized by the Zespół Państwowych Szkół Muzycznych im. W. Kilara w Katowicach (Wojciech Kilar State Music School in Katowice).
  4. Goals of the Competition:
    • presenting the young participants with an opportunity to perform and encouragement for further music studies,
    • achieving a comparison of the horn playing level between the young participants and searching for new repertoire as well as new playing techniques,
    • exchange of ideas between the tutors,
    • popularization of horn playing in general.
  5. The Competition is open to young horn players studying in primary and secondary music schools, culture centers, wind orchestras etc. as well as those involved in individual music training and horn playing. The Competition is open to all international participants.
  6. The participants of The Competition will be divided into four groups:
    • 1st group:  those born in 2015 and after
    • 2nd group: those born in 2012-2014
    • 3rd group: those born in 2009-2011
    • 4th group: those born in 2004-2008
  7. The Competition in closed to any horn players already studying in music academies, universities or any other institutions providing professional music education and degrees. (Meaning: higher music school, where bachelor’s and master’s degrees are obtained.)
  8. The Competition is closed to all winners of previous editions unless they can perform in a higher age category.
  9. The Competition is limited to one stage only. The participants shall perform:
    • 1st group: one or two pieces of free choice with piano accompaniment.
      Total performing time up to 5 minutes.
    • 2nd group: one or two pieces of free choice with piano accompaniment.
      Total performing time 6-8 minutes.
    • 3rd group:
      1. L. Cherubini – Temat z wariacjami (2 wariacje) i Polonez
      2. One piece of free choice (or one part of a cyclical piece) with piano accompaniment.
        Total performing time piece of free choice up to 6 minutes
    • 4th group:
      1. F. Strauss – Nokturn op. 7
      2. One of the following pieces:
        • W. A. Mozart – Concerto No.1  in D Major KV 412, mov. no. 1
        • W. A. Mozart – Concerto No. 2  in E-Flat Major KV 417, mov. no. 1
        • W. A. Mozart – Concerto No. 3  in E-Flat Major KV 447, mov. no. 1
        • W. A. Mozart – Concerto No. 4  in E-Flat Major KV 495, mov. no. 1
        • Fr. Strauss – Concerto No. 1 in C-Minor op. 8, mov. no. 1
        • C. Saint-Saens – Morceau de Concert op. 94, mov. no. 1
        • K. Matys – Konzertuck No. 2  op. 24, mov. no. 1
        • R. Strauss – Concerto No. 1 in E-Flat Major op. 11, mov. no. 1

          It is not necessary to perform the repertoire by heart

  10. The participants perform with their own accompanists. The Organizers may provide an accompanist for the duration of the Competition for a fee of 150 PLN. The price includes one 20 minute rehearsal one performance.
  11. The participants will be rated by a Jury of prominent horn players chosen by the Director of the Artistic Education Center. The names of the Jury will be released officially on the web page of the Competition
  12. The Jury will be under the supervision of The Chairman. All contentious issues will be resolved by open voting. In case of a draw, vote of The Chairman will decide the outcome.
  13. The Secretary of The Competition will be appointed by The Co-organizer.
  14. The Jury and The Secretary are obliged to attend meetings before and after all performances during the Competition. The meetings are separate for all groups of participants. All meetings are closed to any public. The points given by specific members of the Jury will not be available to any public.
  15. The Jury works in accordance with regulations given by The Artistic Education Center.
  16. The points given by a specific member of The Jury are valid only if that member participates in judging and listening to all participants of a specific age group.
  17. The Jury cannot include any person whose student or students are taking part in the competition or who is related to them.
  18. The Jury gives points in the following criteria:
    • embouchure,
    • intonation and sound quality,
    • nterpretation and style,
    • the right choice of repertoire,
    • the duration of horn playing studies,
    • age of the participant,
    • stage performance.
  19. After listening to all participants of the specific group the Jury will fill out their individual Point Cards. The signature of each Jury member is obligatory for the Point Card to be valid.
  20. The final score is an average of points given by each Jury member. It will be prepared by The Secretary.
  21. Basing on the average points the prize winners and Laureate Concert performers will be selected by the Jury. The names of the participants will not be enclosed to the Jury.
  22. The participants will be given marks in a scale from 1 to 25 points:
    • 25 – excellent
    • 24-21 – very good
    • 20-16 – good
    • 15-13 – sufficient
    • 12-10 – moderate
    • 9-1 – inadequate
  23. The points required for each of the prizes are:
    • 25 points – Grand Prix
    • 23 points – 1st Prize
    • 22 points – 2nd Prize
    • 21 points – 3rd Prize
    • 19 points – Diploma of Distinction
  24. After this is completed the Secretary will announce the names of the winners to the Jury. The accepted list will then be made public.
  25. Laureate of The Competition is provided by the Artistic Education Center with educational possibilities such as (Polish education law – applies to participants from Poland):
    • The highest available mark during the exam session in the artistic school of the Laureate
    • Having easier admission to artistic high schools thanks to extra points provided
  26. In each age group there are several prizes: 1st Prize, 2nd Prize, 3rd Price and Diploma of Distinction. The Jury has the right not to give a specific prize and change the prize lineup.
  27. There is a possibility of extra Prizes aside from the ones given above.
  28. The final Protocol will include all given points and general feedback from the Jury
  29. The full verdict of The Competition will be announced  during The Final Concert of Young Horn Player Academy (30th of march 2025; Academy of Music in Katowice).
  30. Decisions made by the Jury are final and not possible to change.
  31. The online application for the Competition is available on the web page: The final date of application is 28th February 2025. The application must include:
    • participants full name,
    • age of the participant,
    • name and address of the school or artistic institution in which the participant is being taught,
    • the current Grade of the participant,
    • the Competition age group in which the participant is going to compete,
    • number of years playing the horn,
    • full name of the participants’ teacher,
    • full name of the participants’ accompanist,
    • the chosen artistic program for the Competition,
    • other required organizational data.
  32. The participants will perform in the order decided by the Organizers. All information and updates will be posted on the page The full schedule will be published before 16th March 2025. The schedule will not be subject to change.
  33. The Competition is free of charge for polish participants. The cost for foreign participants is 40 Euros. The deadline for fee payment is 24th February 2025. Data required for the payment: Zespół Państwowych Szkół Muzycznych im. Wojciecha Kilara w Katowicach, Account no. PL 87 1010 1212 3175 7313 9134 0000 (IBAN code: NBPLPLPW). Title of the payment: International Competition Young Horn Player and full name of the participant. The confirmation of payment should be sent with the official online application.
  34. The Organizers do not provide and do not return the costs of: travel, lodging and meals for the participants, their teachers, accompanists and parents/caretakers.
  35. All Competition performances are open to the public.
  36. If for some unforeseen reasons the Competition shall be cancelled the fees paid by participants will be reimbursed.
  37. Depending on an unforeseen situation, the Organizer reserves the right to transfer the entire Competition to the Internet. In this case all information will be published on
  38. Official application for the Competition requires: acceptance of these Regulations, the agreement for using the participants’ personal data during the Competition and its’ future editions, the agreement for using the performance recordings and other media for archive and promotion reasons. All agreements are compatible with the laws of the European Union. Full information available on
  39. According to the laws of the European Union the personal and private data of the participants shall be managed by:
    • Zespół Państwowych Szkół Muzycznych im. Wojciecha Kilara, ul. Ułańska 7b, 40-887 Katowice, represented by the Principal. Contact: +48 32 250 63 71,; Inspector of Personal Data: is the administrator of all personal data necessary for the preparation and conduct of this competition.
    • Centrum Edukacji Artystycznej, ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 36/40, 00-924 Warszawa, represented by its Director. Contact: +48 22 421 06 21, ; Inspector of Personal Data and all information is reachable at
  40. For more information, please contact the Competition Organizing Director – Waldemar Matera – +48 505 099 246;

If any inaccuracies arise between the original polish text of these Regulations and its english translation, the correct interpretation always applies to the polish version.